Maggie Makes Four!

This journal started off documenting the adoption of our youngest daughter. It now follows the twist and turns of our lives as we raise these two amazing little creatures into the best women they can become.

Friday, November 26, 2004

Baby Maggie Mom & Dad Arriving Today

As I write this Maggie and her Mom and Dad are closer to America then they are to China!! They are due in at around 5:30pm and as of now their flight is on time!!

La Nina has opened her last gift and undone the last rung on her paper chain. This morning we were sitting together watching Dora the Explorer (of course) and she asked me if we would still be friends after Maggie came home and I move back home. I informed her we were better then friends, we ARE Family!!

The final injury total for Project La Nina is as follows: One Time Out for not brushing her teeth when Auntie asked. Well, not so much for that, but for saying "Never" and appearing demon like when Aunte insisted. Two Princess bandaids: One for a mysterious toe ailment and another to match Auntie's when Auntie cut her thumb. Three Days with Pete which is about all Auntie can take. Four I want my Mommie's for everytime La Nina was told no!! And Finally enough Dora the Explorer shows, books and toys to fill an entire Dora the Expolrer outpost on the moon.

Tio and Auntie have enjoyed our time with La Nina. When asked how we are surviving we can both honestly say, coffee. I always made fun of the women driving around town in their minivans, with a latte in one hand, a cell phone in the other and their screaming children in the back. And then last week I was in the minivan, in line at the drive thru espresso, on the phone with Tio with Carly in the back demanding crackers. I hung up with Tio looked at La Nina and started dying of laughter. I was one of "THEM".

La Nina has been a joy (when not crying or whining). She has enjoyed telling Auntie that "Mommy doesn't do it like that". She has a smile that lights up a room and a giggle that could make anyone laugh. Her hugs are like no hug I ever ever gotten. She is persistent, intelligent, loving, creative, saucy and silly (Just like her Mommy). And just like her mommy she is going to be a wonderful big sister. All that said, this was the best form of birth control ever! (Sorry NanaPapa)

As Dora the Explorer would say.. WE DID IT!! LO HICIMOS!!


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