Maggie Makes Four!

This journal started off documenting the adoption of our youngest daughter. It now follows the twist and turns of our lives as we raise these two amazing little creatures into the best women they can become.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Christmas Joy Begins!

Last night we started celebrating Christmas, I was one gift short and have an IOU outstanding to poor Papa. As you can tell by the look on Maggie's face, she had a blast. Both of the girls did. Of course, I think Maggie only wants boxes and tissues from Santa this year. I am sure Santa will handle it.

La Nina also had a great time last night. She understands presents now and did a good job taking turns. We were very proud of her. It is hard to wait your turn at any age, but especially at 2 and a half. She was a trooper and remembered to say Thank You. It is very fun to see her excited about the holiday.

Perhaps the best surprise is that a box of holiday greetings arrived in the mail today. Apparently, Maggie's Dad figured out I was not making any progress on holiday cards and he dealt with the issue. Hooray for Dad! I love it when someone solves a problem for me.

On a personal note, Happy Birthday Dad! I love you very much and appreciate all you do for the girls and I.


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