Maggie Makes Four!

This journal started off documenting the adoption of our youngest daughter. It now follows the twist and turns of our lives as we raise these two amazing little creatures into the best women they can become.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Then Exhaustion Set In..

Before becoming a Mom, I didn't understand one key element of motherhood: Moms don't get to quit ... ever. Tired or sick, stressed or relaxed, I am always a Mom. Kids really don't care about my problems because their problems come first. As it should be. It seems like I don't ever get a break. Sure, I get a few hours off here and there. I am fortunate to have supportive family nearby and I get more breaks than most Moms, but I am always Mom which means the majority of my energy is dedicated to the care and feeding of two lovely, dark-haired, slave drivers.

Since coming home from Disneyland, I have had two days to finish getting together La Nina's Birthday Party. Thankfully, I was smart enough to rent a place for it. Even without hosting the party at home, there were goody bags to organize, paper products to purchase, food and beverages for 15 3 year olds and their parents to be arranged. The party was a blast, La Nina had a delightful time and I was very happy to put in the work for the party. At the same time, the party was a sprint that has left me winded.

Now I am sitting and writing. I should be working, but writing is the only time sit down, so it is a very attractive activity. Laundry is piled up since before Disneyland. We are about 1/2 unpacked from the trip. I haven't been grocery shopping. Bills need to be paid, the floor needs to be mopped, the to do list goes on and on.

Ok, all of this is just normal Mom whining, I know that. I have even blogged about it...but before I had kids, I really didn't see this. I heard Mom's talk about exhaustion. But, I was busy too before kids. I had lots of stuff going on and I felt tired. But here is the difference: before kids, when I needed a break, I took it. I would slow down, read a book and recover. Now...ha, there is no recovery, only another diaper to be changed or a mess to be cleaned.

Tonight Eric reminded me I tell people 2 kids is no big deal. My answer to him, "Why frighten them?" The truth is I don't want to be one of those Mom's who always complains, because most of motherhood is joyful and frankly, I do think 2 kids is manageable most of the time. So, I don't know if it is the 2 kid thing killin' me or just a super busy weekend, but whatever it is it is kicking my tail right now!


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