Maggie Makes Four!

This journal started off documenting the adoption of our youngest daughter. It now follows the twist and turns of our lives as we raise these two amazing little creatures into the best women they can become.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Disneyland by the Numbers

Sorry for the unexplained quiet on the blog, but we were in Southern California enjoying the warm weather, seeing friends and visiting Disneyland. There is so much I could write, but due to exhaustion I am just going to post "Disney by the Numbers".
  • Miles traveled: 760
  • Bags packed: 8
  • Strollers packed: 2
  • Hours of debate spent on the stroller strategy: 3
  • Potty breaks enroute: 5
  • False alarm potty breaks enroute: 1
  • DVD viewed enroute: 6
  • Meltdowns enroute: 1 per child
  • Fun events attended over the weekend: 2
  • Friends who met up with us for dinner or lunch: 17
  • Hotels we stayed in: 2
  • Times the girls woke each other up: 4 (All one direction. La Nina never returned the favor.)
  • Bottles Heated in the Lobby of Paradise Pier in My PJs before 6 AM with a very curious Magster in my arms: 3
  • Times the very curious Magster went back to sleep after her morning bottle adventure: 2
  • Days in Disneyland: 3
  • Characters that scared La Nina: 4
  • Characters that scared Maggie: 0
  • Princess Parades Attended: 3
  • Mickey Parades Attended: 1
  • Total Princesses Seen (Not counting Parade Princesses): 15
  • Princess Parade Rallies Executed Mid Nap by La Nina: 2
  • Dances With Parade Princesses during the Audience Participation part: 2 ( GO Princess La Nina!)
  • Meltdowns During Dancing with Parade Princesses: 1 (May be not after a nap rally)
  • Princess Story Times Attended: 1 (Belle's Story Time--It was BIG!)
  • Princess Story Times Abandoned due to Scary Sound Effects: 1 (Belle was ok, but her friend was too loud!)
  • Rides Maggie went on that La Nina Refused: 3
  • Rides La Nina was Shamed into Attempting: 0
  • Rides that we got stuck on with a terrified La Nina: 1 (It was Pooh's Adventure, for crying out loud!)
  • Puddles created under La Nina's Stroller During Naps: 2
  • Diaper changes in the Park: 10
  • Potty Breaks in the Park: 12
  • Meals of Only French Fries Eaten by both Girls: 4
  • Concurrent Naps Taken While in Disneyland: 1
  • Sequential Naps Taken While in Disneyland: 5
  • Questions regarding "going home" from La Nina: 8
  • New Words Disney Inspired in Maggie: 4 ('Pooh', 'No', 'Again' and 'Up')
  • Tears Shed When It was Actually Time to Leave: Many

Also, I just have to write a few of the "best's" from our trip:

Best Ride Surprise: Getting stuck on Pooh's Adventure was fabulous. The behind the scenes tour we received while walking off the ride was a delight. I don't think the girls would agree.

Best Tip: Thank you former princess for tipping us off to the birthday party at the Plaza Inn. We had a blast.

Best Celebrity Sighting: Cindy Crawford eating a Churro at a Princess Parade. (She has the same stroller as me!)

Best Princess Moment: La Nina was sitting on Ariel's lap all by her big girl self. Ariel asked La Nina where she lived and La Nina answered, "At Home in Pleasanton." Atta girl!

Best Magster Moment: At the Birthday party for La Nina, the Magster had her own cake to decorate. The cake stayed clean and the Magster decorated herself. It took multiple wipes and an outfit change to repair the damage.

Sweetest Sister Moment: The girls holding hands as we walked into Disneyland the first morning.

Best Place to Change A Diaper: The Baby Care Center on Main Street by the Plaza Inn. It is like a little oasis for babies.

That is it from one tired Mom!


  • At 7:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


    You do not know me, I work down at the credit union in Livermore. I was absolutely going through Maggie and La Nina withdrawals. Hearing about your daily trials is something I look forward to every few days.

    Glad to hear that everyone had a great time at Disneyland - loved the post. Thank you for allowing me to read about your beautiful children.


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