Maggie Makes Four!

This journal started off documenting the adoption of our youngest daughter. It now follows the twist and turns of our lives as we raise these two amazing little creatures into the best women they can become.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Happy Baptism Day!

I love Baptisms. They are such a nice way to welcome babies into the Christian Community. So today we baptized the Magster. We had a fun day, even if it was a little hectic. The challenge with the baptism is the organization of the day. For me, I have to dress a toddler in white, then go to church for an hour or so, keeping the child clean the entire time, and then come home for a party. It is hard to get the kids dressed, myself dressed, the house ready for a party, then host a party, but we made it work.

While Maggie did great overall, she had a couple minor complaints on the day. You see, Maggie isn't wild about dresses. Therefore, Maggie wasn't thrilled about wearing her long, white baptismal dress. It was the same lovely dress we baptized La Nina in two years ago and fit the Magster perfectly. Unfortunately, when I tried to put it on her, she shrieked and curled herself into a little ball. Getting a dress on her was impossible. So, we left for the church with Maggie in her slip, tights and tennis shoes. It took a team effort with Nana and I, but we finally got the dress on her in the church. Maggie looked so cute in her dress, but you could tell she just wanted to roll in the mud.

Next, Maggie also wasn't wild about getting water poured on her head. In fact, she hated it. When the water hit her forehead, she shrieked and shot a deadly look at the Deacon. (Maggie gives the best dirty looks.) When the deed was done, she grabbed her blanket, wiped off her head and glared at the Deacon for a second time. It is safe to say she was unimpressed with the holy water. After a few quick pictures in the church, it was back to the house for a light dinner and cake with family and god parents.

After everyone left, both girls were exhausted. I expected some drama out of La Nina as I think this was the first time she ever went for a day without a nap. However, when the the last group left, she walked straight to her bedroom, laid down on her bed and told me, "Now this is more comfortable." She changed into her PJs without a fight and was in bed by 7:15. The Magster was down at the same time. All in all it was a very nice day and a quiet evening for Mom and Dad.


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