Maggie Makes Four!

This journal started off documenting the adoption of our youngest daughter. It now follows the twist and turns of our lives as we raise these two amazing little creatures into the best women they can become.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

The Magster Strikes Again

My desire to read turned me into a liar today. Yep, I lied to my husband so I could sneak away and read a few chapters of Potter. While La Nina was napping, I handed the Magster to her Daddy and I slipped into the bedroom. I quietly laid down on the bed and immersed myself in the land of witch carft and wizardry.

I could hear him struggling to keep the wild child busy while I read, but I didn't care. Dumbledore and Potter were in the pensieve and I could have cared less about the Magster asking, "Mama?" I heard someone test the bedroom door. I figured it was locked so I was safe. I then heard the door tested again, and since the family room was oddly quiet I asked, "who's there?".

My voice gave me away. It was the Magster at the door, and my plot was revealed. At the sound of my voice, she started howling like a banchee. A few seconds later, I discovered that in my haste to start reading, I forgot to lock the door.

The Magster seized on the error and came flying into the room. Her screaming woke up La Nina who was also hysterical by the time she came into my bedroom. The Dad, delighted he caught me red handed reading, fled the scene and left me to deal with the consequences of trying to read with two small children. There I was with two wailing kids and about 3 pages read. Thwarted again! What I won't do to finish this darn book.

Does anyone know when Seven comes out?


  • At 9:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I know and I am not telling because you would hate me if hate me if I did.


    P.S. Even if I told you, I am a liar and can not be trusted.


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