Maggie Makes Four!

This journal started off documenting the adoption of our youngest daughter. It now follows the twist and turns of our lives as we raise these two amazing little creatures into the best women they can become.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Oops...I Almost Forgot!

It just dawned on me that I forgot to recognize my own 1st anniversary of this blog. I started this blog October 1, 2004, as a way to kill time and find sanity while we waited to travel for Ms. Maggie. A year later, our little one is safely home and well-adjusted to her new family, my blog lauched a free-lance writing hobby and I am a full-time, stay at home Mom. Whoddathunk... especially on the stay home Mom part.

So, thank you to everyone who continues to check in on my meanderings and misadventures. Writing allows me to find humor, wisdom and silliness in events that otherwise might make me crazy. Thank you to all the people who comment or email me privately. Your encouragement and occasional spelling pointers are always welcome. Thank you to my kids for being the best muses a writer could ask for and thank you to my husband for putting up with my clicking keyboard while he watches Fox News.


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