Maggie Makes Four!

This journal started off documenting the adoption of our youngest daughter. It now follows the twist and turns of our lives as we raise these two amazing little creatures into the best women they can become.

Friday, September 30, 2005

Etc., Etc., Etc.

Awww....deadlines. They are just a killer for blogging. After swearing off writing more than two articles a month, I wrote four in September. It didn't seem like that many when the month began, but a follow up and a request for something I thought was shelved, and I wrote a story a week. When I met my final deadline yesterday morning, I was exhausted. At this point, I have nothing else with a solid date and I am kind of relieved. I love it, I really do, but I get tired sometimes. SO--no writing meant it was all reality shows all the time for me, last night. Here are my thoughts on the happenings.

Survivor: Poor Stephanie. She can't get on a winning team to save her life. And what is up with that Blake guy? Is he just a whiner at camp to get out of work? Is Blake just saving it for the challenges? I miss Tom from last season. This season just doesn't seem to have a character quite like him. And his lie going to work?

Apprentice: I am torn on watching this. I saw it last night. And while I agreed with the logic on who they fired, I thought Trump kept that obnoxious guy around just to improve ratings. You know he is never going to get the job.

Amazing Race: Love it! Loved the little boy singing "She'll be Coming Round the Mountain" as his family passed the other team. The family of screamers needs Dr. Phil or something. I am shocked they finished at all. I felt bad for the Black family who lost, but they really seemed to have no sense of urgency. Definitely my favorite show. This is my keeper show if I have to give my reality TV for writing. Survivor is a close second. I am just not feeling it with the Apprentice this season.
The kids: All is well with them. The Magster has had a few sleepless nights lately (that means I have too) BUT each night of lost sleep has translated into huge language gains. Language is happening very suddenly for her. Where La Nina's process was more slow and steady gains, the Magster's process has been more explosive. At least this time I know the reason behind the sleepless nights when they happen.

La Nina had her preschool class changed last week, when they moved her into the Pre-K building. A whole group of 3.5 year olds made the jump with her--so it wasn't just her, most of her friends went too. Talk about trauma. When I picked her up from her first day in the Otter room, my very reserved daughter told me through her tears, she was never going back to school ever. I asked her a few questions about her day and called the teacher for a few more details, and it sounds like she just had a classic bad first day.

Just a few of the happenings as disclosed by La Nina: She didn't know that when the big boys play chase, you are supposed to run, so she was knocked down. She turned on the water too high in class and much to her dismay, it made a big mess. Most traumatic of all, she didn't know the songs. I pointed out that no one knew the songs, but that didn't help. I am happy to report on her second day, she ran fast from the big boys, kept the water in the sink, knew the songs and was a much happier kid as a result.
I know a lot of families with kids from China read this, and I have a tip: If you want to inspire adoption talk out of your kids, get together with other families with kids from China. Well, at least it works with La Nina about half the time these days. The FCC Camp Out was by far the best. That 3 days inspired a week of questions, but even small get togethers inspire questions. We had dinner with two families from our first travel group, and La Nina was full of adoption questions on the way home. It is so interesting to hear her processing the details of her own story. It makes me happy that La Nina is comfortable asking us questions about her story. I hope she always feels so free.


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