Maggie Makes Four!

This journal started off documenting the adoption of our youngest daughter. It now follows the twist and turns of our lives as we raise these two amazing little creatures into the best women they can become.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Scoop For Blog Readers!

Well, I thought my blog readers should hear it from me: I have officially quit my job to stay home with the girls full-time and write.

It is ironic that today was the day I resigned as the girls were exhausted, cranky and uncooperative all day. For my own sanity and to insure I didn't lose my nerve, I made the call fairly early this morning. During the call, (I mean literally during the call) La Nina had an accident while sleeping in the stroller. As I wrapped up the call, she woke up wet, kicked her sister and both kids simultaneously started wailing. And that was the high point of my day--because it was the only time they were both asleep. By day's end, I wanted to call back and beg my boss to forget the earlier conversation, but I didn't.

This is not a decision that I made lightly or that came easily to me. I have always had a job outside the home and frankly, a great deal of my identity is wrapped up in the success I have had working. Most importantly, I am a person who really enjoys working. It is nice that I am decent financial contributor to the family, but I can't ignore the fact that after day care and taxes, I am working for minimum wage. Ok, a little more than that, but not enough for me to want to deal with getting out of the house by 8AM every morning with a 3 year old and an 18 month old in tow.

Also, I really enjoy spending time with the girls. I miss my girls when I am working. I want a Summer with them. I want to take them to the pool, make sure they get swim lessons and maybe get La Nina into a gymnastics class. It is tough to do all this when you are working 40+ hours a week.

Just as important in my decision, I want to write. All my life I have wanted to write. And somehow in pursuing a career I forgot about what I really enjoy: writing. This blog has reminded me of a long forgotten passion and I don't think I can turn it off again. With a big birthday looming this Summer, I am forced to realize I am not getting any younger AND let's face it, my kids are excellent muses for me.

So, I am officially a stay at home Mom and a struggling free lance writer. I really want to write a book and I really want to enjoy a Summer with my girls. I am not sure how this is all going to work, but I am going to give it a try. I will try to include my own journey in the blog, as I have been told that once you quit your "real" job, it is quite an adjustment.


  • At 7:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Cheers to you for recognizing what you think is important... I envy you and only hope that I can also be a stay at home Mom someday.

    I love your blogs and articles here and there... best of luck with your new journey!


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