Maggie Makes Four!

This journal started off documenting the adoption of our youngest daughter. It now follows the twist and turns of our lives as we raise these two amazing little creatures into the best women they can become.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

How do they do it?

I really don't know how other Moms do it. My life is chaos and all around me it seems other stay at home moms manage more than I do, better than I do and more happily than I do. Why is that?

How do they get their kids to eat eggs for breakfast and drink 16 ounces of milk every day? How are they able to always keep their kids in matching outfits? How do they convince their kids that keeping clothes on their bodies is preferable to nudity? Or more basic, how do they convince their children to wear diapers? Do they really and truly always answer their children in the calm voices I hear on the playground? Are my kids the only kids in the world that get told to "GET IN THE VAN NOWWWWWW!"?

I wake up every morning determined that 1.) My children will eat healthy meals and snacks 2.) My children will be dressed in weather appropriate attire and 3.) I will not get frustrated by my two angelic darlings. But it never fails by 10AM, La Nina has eaten Peanut Butter and Jelly for breakfast is wearing flipflops in the fog and I am threatening she will never watch Mulan again if she doesn't brush her teeth NOW. Meanwhile, Maggie refused breakfast and is eating 3 day old cracker she found on the floor. She is wearing a sundress that doesn't cover her chest appropriately and removing her diapers hourly, but I only know it is missing when I see a puddle form under her. Where have I gone wrong?

I keep reading these parenting articles (I don't have time for books on the subject) and it says allow your child only healthy food options, only clothing choices that are only appropriate and if you raise your voice you are reinforcing negative behaviors! HA! I don't think the writers of these articles have ever spent more than one morning with two young children.

Here is my bite of reality sandwich- if I don't feed La Nina peanut butter and jelly for breakfast she doesn't eat. Maggie won't eat period unless it is a cracker or cupcake. Ever. La Nina will wear anything as long as she can wear her flipflops. The Magster will cry in her room for hours if I dress her in something she doesn't like. That means she has 4 dresses, 1 skirt and 2 shirts she will wear. Notice: diapers are not on that list. And there is only so much a woman can take before she starts yelling.

If you ask me, the writers of parenting articles are sick individuals, hell bent on heaping guilt on the already overwhelmed. To them I say, please shut down your computer, come to my house and make sure the Magster doesn't pee on the floor while I brush La Nina's teeth!


  • At 9:16 AM , Blogger Zeus said...

    Your post was fabulous. It already describes our life and we only have Tenley at this point. I totally agree with you that the people who write those articles and books don't actually have children and have barely a passible understanding of how real children behave. Keep up the good work!

  • At 10:01 AM , Blogger Gracencameronsmomy said...

    Oh my gosh, I can sooo relate to this!!! My life is total chaos...I wrote to my December DTC list about the VERY thing and do you know what response I got? I got the "it will get better"(I know it will) response from peopel who then went on to tell me how much MORE they do than I! I mean these people were getting their masters degree while having four kids, cooking organic meals and of course their husbands got home late than didn't make me feel much better about myself!!sorry so long, just know that you are NOT alone!
    Lisa Smith

  • At 10:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    You are so funny! I think all moms have the same frustrations. I totally agree with you on the people who don't have kids and giving advices on how kids should be handled. Our pediatrician tells us that we should never cater to our kids on food and they should either eat what we have as adults or they don't eat at all (someone who doesn't have any kids yet). I guess my kids will starve! How do you stop youself from yelling when a kid is biting your arm/leg? (According to the experts, you should calmly tell your kid that we don't bite and explain to him/her that biting hurts!). I guess after you are able to get him/her to let go first and examine the teeth mark!


    PS Thanks for the advice on the washer.

  • At 12:53 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

    Oh Julie...we're rowing the same boat! As my husband said: we only have Tenley and my life is total chaos!! There are days where I think I'm in the 7th ring of hell. If I want Ten to eat, then it's mac & cheez. If I do not give her my complete and total undivided attention she goes into a full tantrum. She still despises shopping carts, strollers, and carseats- you only get 15 minutes after that all hell breaks loose. I barely have time for parenting magazines- but I did like the (idiotic) advice that when the child has a tantrum you should hold them, distract them with a board book, and then cuddle them until they calm down....the only way I see that working is if you knocked them unconsious with the board book and then cuddled them. You're doing great. You're doing enough. ...and one day I know we're all going to look back and think this was funny and the best time of our day...I hope.


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