Maggie Makes Four!

This journal started off documenting the adoption of our youngest daughter. It now follows the twist and turns of our lives as we raise these two amazing little creatures into the best women they can become.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Explain This

So, this health club I joined recently had a member appreciation day. To celebrate, the staff arranged a variety of of free services for its members. I noticed something amusing while attending the event.

Most of the membership of the club is stay at home Moms. We drop the kids off, work out, go shopping, pick the kids up and head home where the real work out starts. So, on this day of appreciation, the gym arranged services geared toward Moms. There were chair massages to relax our shoulders exhausted from lugging children and their accessories, there was a hand massage station to moisturize our dish pan hands and there was eye brow waxing to rip the hair from our face by its roots.

Now, which line would you guess was the longest? Relaxation or Anguish? Moisturizing or tweezing? Knot removal or hair removal? You could have combine the two massage lines and it would not have been half of the waxing line. And it made me wonder: why would a group of Moms pass up pampering for a few seconds of pure pain? Does motherhood attract masochists? Have the children dulled our minds to the point where waxing sounds good?

Moms all just want to feel pretty and a nice eye brow wax gets you there faster than a massage. When you are living in peanut butter smeared jeans and noses are wiped on your shoulders during every hug, a nicely groomed brow makes a psychological difference. So, a bit of pretty won out over a bit of pampering for most moms that day. Is it really that surprising?


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