Maggie Makes Four!

This journal started off documenting the adoption of our youngest daughter. It now follows the twist and turns of our lives as we raise these two amazing little creatures into the best women they can become.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

New Year's Resolutions

Since 2005 has officially arrived, I am considering a few Resolutions to improve my life and the lives of my families. Here is the list. In 2005, I resolve:
  • To clean out my refrigerator before something smells a little funny.
  • To stop counting caffeine as the extra food group on my special "Five plus One" food pyramid. BUT this doesn't mean I will give up my morning cup of coffee or my noon time diet Coke. This only means I will give up the supplemental coffees I have been consuming between my planned caffeine infusions.
  • To remember that catchup doesn't count as a vegetable even if it is red.
  • To stop deciding if my clothes are dirty by the the visibility of the stains.
  • To find where the cleaning lady keeps my vaccuum just in case I get the urge.
  • To not turn my head when I see obvious dust. However, this doesn't mean I will dust immediately. I will commit to adding "dust" to my 'To Do List'.
  • To teach my girls Mommy is capable of taking out the trash. However, Mommy chooses to delegate trash duties to Daddy, which is perfectly ok and by no means a sign of gender bias. It is a management skill to delegate.
  • To walk the dogs everyday, even if "the walking" is just around the yard.
  • To live my life to the fullest, show my girls and my husband I love them everyday, and to keep a sense of humor.
If I can accomplish all of this, I will be doing ok, but I think the caffeine one is going to be tough.


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