Maggie Makes Four!

This journal started off documenting the adoption of our youngest daughter. It now follows the twist and turns of our lives as we raise these two amazing little creatures into the best women they can become.

Monday, May 09, 2005

All Over a Cookie!

The Magster is a piece of work. She really is. Last night, at Mother's Day dinner, she was in rare form. When we arrived at Nana's house for dinner, La Nina asked if Bunny Cookies were available for sharing. Nana answered in the affirmative, showed La Nina and the Magster the cookies, but said the girls could not partake in the cookies until after dinner. Well, waving those cookies under the Magster nose was a bit like baiting a lion with a piece of steak. The cookies drove the Magster wild. She wanted one bad. I mean really bad. I mean throw herself on the floor in a kicking screaming rage for 45 minutes bad.

Frankly, I wasn't sure exactly what was wrong with her during her Mother of all Fits, in honor of Mother's Day. I tried to feed her something healthy, but she waved all food and drink off. I tried distracting her, and that just made her madder. I tried isolating her and that just made her increase the volume on her screaming. By the time we sat down at dinner, I was exhausted and sure we would have to leave early to take her home.

Her snit fit resolved itself at the end of dinner, when Nana brought out the coveted Bunny Cookie. She immediately smiled, clapped her hands and started wiggling for joy in her seat as soon as she saw them. About 1 second after being handed a cookie, the Magster was back to her usual delightful self, looking like a completely sweet angel. The cookie met its demise a few seconds later. So, in the end, her tantrum of all tantrums was over a cookie. One single, bunny cookie, with pink frosting and sprinkles. We are doomed when she is asking for the car keys!


  • At 6:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I think you are shorting Maggie, it was at least a good hour of kicking and screaming.
    P.S. At least Mom & Dad knew not to ask me when I was going to have kids after that display.

  • At 6:56 PM , Blogger Alan, Lila and Katie said...

    Our Katie pulled pretty much the same thing the other night over not being allowed to use a knife at the dinner choice on that one.

    Alan Berris G88


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