Maggie Makes Four!

This journal started off documenting the adoption of our youngest daughter. It now follows the twist and turns of our lives as we raise these two amazing little creatures into the best women they can become.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

La Nina, the Mermaid

One of the reasons I wanted the Summer off work was so I could expose the kids to water. I wanted to be able to hang out at the pool and get them comfortable with the water. When we started the Summer, La Nina liked the water, but she wouldn't put her head under and she definitely wouldn't let go of me in the water...ever. The Magster, as usual, plunged into the pool and only stopped of an occasional breath, but this entry isn't about the Magster and her fearless pursuits of death defying action. This is about La Nina.

As the Summer passed, La Nina was doing fine in the water, but I just sensed she needed some direction. I am not a swimming instructor, so I searched for swimming lessons that would take a 3 year old, that wasn't Mommy and Me. (Kind of tough to do Mommy and me, when my situation would be Mommy and the two of us.) The only group lessons available for a 3 year old were expensive. So, I broke down and paid for a single private lesson for La Nina at our pool...which very affordable. After the class, the instructor cleared her to join a class of 4 year olds.

Last week, La Nina completed her first two week swim course. It was a tot class simply focused on getting her familiar with the water. Now for the shameless bragging portion of my blog: La Nina was the only 3 year old in the class and one of only two kids who passed it. In fact, she was the only 3 year old to pass the class all Summer. The reason she passed the class: She started swimming the day after her private lesson.

As of this afternoon at the pool, she dives in from the edge, swims half way across the width of the pool. Then once she is turned around, she swims back to the edge. She floats on her stomach, dives for rings on the bottom of the pool and tries to do somersaults in the water today. It is incredible. She is at the point where normal muscle development is the only thing holding her back. At 3, your muscles aren't big enough to lift your arms out of the water to do the crawl or backstroke.

I asked La Nina if she liked swimming today on the way home from the pool, and she told me she did. When I asked her what she liked about, she told me that she liked swimming like Ariel. Well, not a bad comparison, because La Nina is my little mermaid. I don't know if La Nina's skills are commonplace for three year olds exposed to the water. I don't know if La Nina is even going to like swimming next year. But we are so proud of her progress this Summer, we are looking forward the surprises next Summer holds.


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