Maggie Makes Four!

This journal started off documenting the adoption of our youngest daughter. It now follows the twist and turns of our lives as we raise these two amazing little creatures into the best women they can become.

Sunday, November 26, 2006


Maggie and I were at a birthday party for one of her classmates this afternoon. It's the last of the birthday season for Maggie. All eight kids in Maggie's class celebrate birthdays between mid-October and the first of December.

I was chatting with another Mom and she made a comment that got me thinking. Here's how the conversation went:

Me: Isn't something how close in age this group is?
She: Yeah, a bunch of Valentine Day babies.
Me: Huh?
She: Well, my son was born on his due date (11/3) and if you calculate back from my son's birthday, he was conceived on Valentine's Day.
Me: Oh, I'd never thought of it.
She: Well, I'm sure it might be a little different for everyone, but I bet that's the story for most of these kids.

I've never discussed Maggie's adoption at school. Some Moms know, some don't. It isn't a secret, it just isn't something that comes up often. I don't know if this Mom realizes Maggie is adopted. Either way, this Mom really got me thinking, becuase I'm fairly certain they don't celebrate Valentine's Day in China.

Anyway, Maggie is two weeks older than Valentine Boy, so I sort of dismissed the whole conversation as non-applicable...until it hit: they may not celebrate Valentine's Day, but they do celebrate Chinese New Year in early February. So, for ducks, I looked up the date of Chinese New Years in 2003- it was 2/1/03. Then I did an online conception calendar for Maggie's projected she was conceived around 1/27/03. WOW--those dates fall less than a week apart! It's possible Maggie was conceived by a couple ringing in the New Year. It sort of sent a chill down my spine to put that together.

Of course, who really knows. Her birthparents may not know for certain, but it's sort of bittersweet to see the dates line up. There are so many unknowns for my girls. So many questions we may never have answered. The unknowns used to leave me sad, but now, most of the time, I just accept them as the "real" cost of adopting these two great kids. Yet, a little conversation like today, can leave me wondering about their history again.


  • At 12:01 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

    Well now ya got me thinking. So I looked it up too- Ten's date of conception based on her assigned birthdate is almost exactly 1 month before CNY in 2004. Not as close as Maggie, but still possible as we have no way of knowing if our girls were early or late, or how old they really were at the time they were found.

    Very interesting. Thanks for sharing!



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