The Magster Turns Four!

I can't believe my baby celebrated her fourth birthday today. Four is such a fun birthday for kids. They totally get its their day. They understand that they're going to get presents, cake and ice cream. They are social and have friends. They are truly little girls, no longer babies.
When we got Maggie, I truly thought we were in for big emotional problems with her. She was so hard. She clung to me with such tenacity and went through such terrible separation anxiety I thought intervention was going to be necessary. She didnt' sleep, she really didn't eat much and Oh...that kid could cry. I'd never heard anything like it and she went on for hours. I was a second time Mom. I was calm, but I was worried. I remember in China telling the Dad that we could call in "experts", I had their names.
And now, she's such a happy, spunky little sprite. Give her scissors, glue, paper and markers and she'll be busy for hours. But really give her anything and she'll create something. If she needs to wind down, give her a magnadoodle for a few minutes and it will relax her. But watch out what music you put on: She'll memorize every word and repeat select parts of the lyrics at exactly the wrong moment. And she loves Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood, Michael Buble, Gwen Stephanie and Fergie. She's this mini-pop music officiando. I thought I should put on some old Madonna for her...she'd probably love it.
We feel so blessed that the Magster is our daughter. My only regret is that her babyhood went so fast. Really, all those rough time now seem like such a small blip on the radar and I just hope that as we go through this next phase of her childhood we remember to savor the moments as we know how quickly they'll pass.
At 12:16 AM ,
Unknown said...
Happy Birthday Magster!!! Wow- 4. It seems like you just came home yesterday...and now your so big... and so grown up.
Enjoy the ride to 5 little artiste!
Michelle & Tenley
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