Maggie Makes Four!

This journal started off documenting the adoption of our youngest daughter. It now follows the twist and turns of our lives as we raise these two amazing little creatures into the best women they can become.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Life with Auntie and Tio

La Nina, or known to Auntie and Tio as "the Beeps," is alive, fed, clean, and in bed. She misses her Mommy and Daddy very much and has used this against us (she is a lot smarter and more manipulative than we originally thought). As evidence she has been admonished twice for minor transgressions, once by Auntie and once by Tio, something along the lines of just saying No. Each time was followed by a semi-dramatic performance...."I WAAAAANT MYYYY MOMMMMMY" accommpanied with drooped shoulders and followed by thirty seconds of lack luster, half hearted crying and the desperate need for a hug, which she promptly got. Other than that she laughs alot and has been great with communicating what she needs and can be particularly bossy if you are not doing what she told you to do. Her favorite phrase each time Tio acts goofy, is tickling her, or is not doing exactly what he was told is "Stop it Tio." I wouldn't trade one of those moments for all the money in the world.

After day two Tio has already trained her in the Rock and Roll lifestyle. "Hook "Em Horns" and yelling "Rock and Roll", for those unfamiliar with this think of a two year old Ozzy Osbourne or KISS. If you don't know who or what that is, ask some one under 40. This is Tio's revenge for having to face reality and drive a Minivan. It's kinda hard to live the Rock and Roll lifestyle with two car seats and Barney the purple dinosaur playing on the radio while you're singing along. Truth be told the minivan does make life easier and the driver's seat adjustments are "da bomb."

In the end we both feel very fortunate to spend this time with her and be part of this special time in her life, not that she'll ever remember it, that is until the incriminating photos show up at in opportune times in her life like first date, wedding, nomination to the Supreme Court....

(posted by Tio with absolutely no supervision from Auntie, cause I'm a big boy and will mostly likely be in trouble for this.)


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