Maggie Makes Four!

This journal started off documenting the adoption of our youngest daughter. It now follows the twist and turns of our lives as we raise these two amazing little creatures into the best women they can become.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Conspiracy Theory

With gas over $3.00 a gallon, I regularly hear people complain that automobile manufacturers and oil companies are in cahoots and that is why SUVs and Mini-vans have become so popular. The theory goes oil companies encourage car manufacturers to build bigger cars driving demand for their product.

However, I have a different theory. I will share my theory, risking personal assaults for taking on something sacred: Car Seats. If you ask me the true conspiracy is between car seat manufacturers and car makers. Car seats are why we need bigger cars, not the traditional American love of all things big.

Think about it: If you have more than one child under 6 (and it is common to space your children closer than 6 years apart), then you need a car seat for every child. So, let's say you have 3 kids, aged 5, 3 and 1, and you need 2 car seats and a booster in your sedan to back your car out of the driveway. In this scenario, your packing capability is limited to the trunk and floor board. Now this is fine if you never go anywhere but the mall and you don't buy much, but assuming your entire family wants to go to the park for a picnic, then you need a bigger car. If you have stollers, toys, a change of clothes, diapers, maybe a cooler for drinks and a picnic basket for a family of 5, trust me, Mom is riding on top of the sedan, because there is no room for her in the car. It is simple space allocation issue. Smaller cars are impractical for families when you factor in car seats.

My solution: Smaller car seats. Come on'! Car seats are huge. Isn't there some rocket scientist out there that can create something smaller and give us back our smaller cars and their better gas mileage? Of course, this still means you can't ever ride with another adult in your car, but at least, you can get the kids stuff in the car without a trailer.


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