Maggie Makes Four!

This journal started off documenting the adoption of our youngest daughter. It now follows the twist and turns of our lives as we raise these two amazing little creatures into the best women they can become.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Ok, ex-Cinderella tagged me and I'm now supposed to write 6 fun facts about myself, then I'm supposed to tag 6 more bloggers. I don't think I can find 6 that haven't already been tagged, so I'll just do my best.

Fact #1: I met my husband in high school and we have been dating since 1984-22 years! Isn't that frightening?

Fact #2: My parents make fun of me because I've always used odd words, like dollop or recumbent in everyday life. My sister thinks I'm a control freak, but she's wrong. How can you be a control freak with a 4 and 2 year old running around?

Fact #3: I've always secretly fantasized about hiring live in Alice on the Brady Bunch. I hate cleaning house, doing laundry and running errands and I figure Alice on the Brady Bunch was the solution to all my problems.

Fact #4: I talk to myself outloud all the time. It's so bad I have to remind myself outloud not to do it in public. My husband will often come into a room and ask me who I'm talking to....but it's no one...only myself. The children have made this habit much worse.

Fact #5: I've been ill during or become deathly ill after two of my three trips to China. (Sorry waiting should know the truth. It's not an easy place to travel.)

Fact #6: My first rock concert was Andy Gibb when I was 12. "Shadow Dancing", "I Just Wanna Be Your Everything".

So, I suppose I'll tag:



  • At 10:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Love you, love your show...but I have never thought you were a control freak. I merely have the temerity to suggest that you are not as laid back as you would like to think you are. And the next time you hand me a to do list and/or a coalated binder on your daughters' sleeping, eating and playing schedule, I will not mention this blog post.
    P.S. To La Nina and the Magster-when you need to know the truth about your mom, come to Auntie she will not lie.

  • At 1:40 PM , Blogger M3 said...

    Andy Gibb - bwa ha ha!!!!!! Oh wait, who am I to laugh. My first concert was Prince. Yeesh.

    Ok, I just posted my list. Feel free to laugh at me in return. ;-)


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