Quick Update
I just heard Carly have a conversation completely in Spanish. We were at the school book fair and one of her spanish speaking friends was confused. So Carly explained the whole book buying and raffle process to her friend in spanish. (I'm happy to report I sort of understood her.)
This means she met the mile stone for language acquisition by 7. If a person learns a second language before the age of seven, the brain is somehow rewired and it will forever be easier for that person to learn additional languages. In school, she's expected to be speaking conversationally at the end of first grade. The teacher's been telling me she's conversational for months, but I never heard her speak spontaneously until today. It was pretty darn cool.
Next year, she's not allowed to speak English in the classroom and I was wondering how she was going to do that. Now I know she's going to be just fine.
At 8:17 PM , Welshie said...
My children went to a total immersion Welsh speaking school. Myself nor my husband speak the language but this did not seem to hamper them. They are now both adults and they are bilingual. What a great gift we give our children if they are able to speak more than one language! Fantastic!
At 8:29 PM , One Lucky Mom said...
I agree. Dual Immersion was the best decision we made for our kids education wise. It's given them such a broad sense of the world and cultures, and to some extent, how language ties to culture. And that doesn't even touch on the value of being bi-lingual in a global economy.
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