Maggie Makes Four!

This journal started off documenting the adoption of our youngest daughter. It now follows the twist and turns of our lives as we raise these two amazing little creatures into the best women they can become.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Then, Anger Set In...

You know, I can tell I am getting over being depressed by this whole wait, because today, I am just annoyed. Frankly, I am really peeved.

I am angry at my agency. Now, on any rationale day at any rationale time in my life, I will tell you my agency is great. And I am sure, if you ask me in 3 months what I think of them, I will tell you they are great. But, today, they suck! Here is what is bothering me. It seems like every family who sent their paperwork to March with other agencies not only know their travel date, but their travel date is before what our agency predicted for our travel date. This is the second time we are last to know. And it is looking like we are going to be last to go. Considering we were last to get our referral too, my already short patience just got shorter.

Now, I know my agency does things just a little differently, which for the most part works for our benefit. But right now, I am not seeing a lot of benefit and just a lot of waiting.

So, I suppose that anger is just one of the phases of this whole emotional process. I didn't do this last time. If we don't get a call this week, heaven help 'Max'.


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