Maggie Makes Four!

This journal started off documenting the adoption of our youngest daughter. It now follows the twist and turns of our lives as we raise these two amazing little creatures into the best women they can become.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

We have a date

Hip Hip Hooray! Not only do we have a date, but we have officially sent in our check to purchase tickets. Instead of blogging last night, I spent my evening coaching Maggie's Dad through shopping airline tickets. Even though we did find some cheaper, we just went with our agency deal. It was easier and we are big on convenience these days.

Not only do we have a date, but we know it considerably earlier than we knew the travel date for La Nina. Of course, that was an extreme situation, but our notice seems short enough this time around. Also, it is suddenly dawning on me we are only spending 13 days in China. Boy is that different than the 22 days we spent there with La Nina. So, while I start planning for packing, the amount of formula, diapers, cherrios etc. is considerably less given the duration of the trip.

We are really looking forward to Thanksgiving in China. With La Nina we spent Christmas AND New Year's there. It will be fun to see the Chinese spin on such an American tradition. I know the country will not celebrate, but I bet our agency tries to arrange something for us and that will be fun.

Much to do. So that is it for tonight.


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