Missed a few things...
I never wished the Magster a happy 6th birthday. Actually her birthday is the reason I didn't get anything written. We were too busy celebrating or catching up on homework because we spent too much time celebrating. The Magster was totally spoiled on her birthday. I brought her home a Noah's Coffee cake for breakfast, then her Dad and I took Jamba Juices into
her class to celebrate. We surprised her with a Happy Meal for lunch and then hit her favorite Mexican place for dinner. She said it was the best day ever!
I also want to mention that I celebrated my 5th year blogging this month. It's hard to believe that five years after all the pre-adoption, China and post adoption angst I'm still writing about my crazy life. It's also amazing how far we've come. From the days of two kids under 3 to school days, sometimes I need to reread my early posts to remind myself of how out of control those early days were.
While things used to be out of control, today things are more in the state of controlled chaos. Between dance, soccer and other commitments, it seems like there is never a dull moment, but you know, I'm really not one who likes dull moments. Of course, I could use a little quiet every now and then. But now that Maggie has her very own karoake machine, there will no quiet either.