Maggie Makes Four!

This journal started off documenting the adoption of our youngest daughter. It now follows the twist and turns of our lives as we raise these two amazing little creatures into the best women they can become.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

One old muther...

So, I was sitting at kindergarten orientation tonight and a sign up sheet came by. It was some form parents had to fill out with our name, address, birthday so the school could get credit for orienting us. Because I'm nosy, I took a gander down the list of birthdates. And my heart just about stopped: Only two parents were older than me and I'm married to one of the old dudes! Good GOD, does that make me old too? I think it does!

While it's not a surprise (because I'm still young enough to remember my age), it caught me off guard. I mean I knew some of the people would be younger than me. But all of them? Are the kids in the class just going to call me grammy every time I step into the classrom?

Most days I live in some sort of altered universe, where it is perfectly normal for people 40 years old to have toddlers. However, tonight it hit me smack in the face, we're the freaks. Most of the parents are younger. It isn't normal to have a kid starting school while receiving AARP solitications in the mail. Who knew?

Some of La Nina's friends parents will be 15 years younger than me. Oh dear Lord. They were born while I was in high school. What will I talk about with them? The graduated from high school in a different decade than me. They probably don't remember when the Summer Olympics pre-empted the Brady Bunch AND I bet they don't know that Donny Osmond's favorite color is purple. The odds are they never wore Dittos, Cherokee sandals or leg warmers. And do you think these people owned the Saturday Night Fever sound track in eight track? Of course they didn't!

I'm freaked enough about this whole school thing and now it's throwing me into a mid-life crisis. Because I just figured out I'm friggin' middle aged! In two years, I'll be in my mid-40's, not even my early 40's. And by the time the kids are out of high school....I'll need oxygen just to climb the stairs of the football stadium to watch them graduate.

Oh, this kindergarten thing is going to be harder than I ever imagined.


  • At 9:05 AM , Blogger M3 said...

    Heh, not listening over here, lalalalala (fingers in ears), I will NOT think about what it will feel like to be in my mid-40s with kindergartners...

    Pssst: Dittos rocked


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