Maggie Makes Four!

This journal started off documenting the adoption of our youngest daughter. It now follows the twist and turns of our lives as we raise these two amazing little creatures into the best women they can become.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Win

After more than a year of competing, countless hours spent in hair and make up and some hard lessons on losing gracefully, La Nina's dance group won 1st place in a dance competition over the weekend.  I snapped this picture of her dance team and their teacher with their much coveted trophy.  Thankfully, the hardware lives at the studio.  Even better is that the girls now have learned you really do win some and lose some, up until's been all "lose some." They did a great job on Sunday and we're all proud.  

Not to be outdone by her sister, the Magster took a soccer ball in the nose at her indoor soccer game.  Once the bloody nose stopped, she was back on the field.  All witnesses say she was quite the tough little trouper.  Unfortunately, I missed the whole episode.  


  • At 4:25 PM , Blogger Kelly Pollard said...

    Congrats to La Nina! I know how much time the both of you put into that group. I'm so glad for her that it has paid off.


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